Month: January 2016

IHQ – What did Apollo 9 do?

Question Number 5: “What did Apollo 9 do?” In this episode of I Have Questions Matt makes up for a gap in knowledge that should have been filled many, many...

Matt Goes Running 47 – NEOZAZ

Episode 47 In this episode, the number of recordings don’t necessarily match the number of days in this week’s training schedule, but Matt does his best to piece the week...

SWIC – Mother Talzin

Episode 169 “Mother Talzin” In this episode we discuss the dark Clan Mother of the Nightsisters from “Star Wars: The Clones Wars” animated series, “Mother Talzin”. The Star Wars In...

IHQ – What is Bubble Gum flavor?

In this episode of “I Have Questions” Matt searches for the elusive answer to the burning question, “What is Bubble Gum flavor?” [powerpress channel=”ihq”] “I Have Questions” is made possible...