Blakes 7 In Character – Avalon

In this weeks episode, Eric and Ian take a look at their first hero character, the rebel leader, Avalon.

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Blakes 7 In Character

The show that takes an in-depth look at the classic BBC Series “Blakes7” on character at a time! Following the "In Character" format from, "Blake7 In Character" features a single character each episode and explores their history, back story, and details in more depth you would ever need.

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  • Regarding the age of Avalon… I think it is more plausible than you do that Avalon could be leading the rebellion on this and other planets. Rebellion is generally the province of youth and I can easily see Avalon as being in her late 20’s or early 30s. Thats prime revolutionary leadership age. As for her maturity or being leadership material… I think in the episode she shows a matter of fact approach to her capture and also to the process of interrogation. Her response is not that of a child but of an adult who understands the consequences of her actions and how the federation operates.

    As for the subterrons… this seems like an unnecessary bit of scripting that the script editor should have struck out. Avalon’s revolutionaries in the caves and the people we see in the federation jail look just like regular humans not some “humanoids”. Given that its in the script, though, they must be around and we just don’t see them.

    It is unfortunate, like many of Blake’s fellow revolutionaries, we never see or hear of Avalon again. My theory is that Avalon (like Ro and Cauder and Bek and Ushton, etc.) is swiftly caught and eliminated by the Federation (just like Blake’s previous revolutionary groups). The rebellions are always eventually defeated. As to why this occurrs… despite the errors we see Servelan and Travis make capturing Blake and the Liberator (one could argue, and Travis does, that they only failed becuase they also wanted the liberator) they are clearly effective with other revolutionary planets. So maybe they are not as bad at their jobs as the series makes out as it focusses on the trials and tribulations of Blake’s 7? Its also possible that revolution does not have widespread support in the general population. Certainly we see drug programs (definitely an analogy to the pacification by TV/entertainment here in the 20/21st C) and propaganda used as instruments of control. But I would go further and postulate that the vast majority of Federation citizens are just going through their regular lives that are reasonably satisfying and have no interest in destroying the system of governance. As we know from history and current events a significant number of people love an authoritarian – at least enough to win popular elections. Without more widespread support the revolutions simply fail. Remember – “if you see something, say something” (thats the sign I just saw in San Francisco airport).

    • Great points! I don’t think my failing at believing is anything to do with her age, more the portrayal by the actor. You’re probably right that she may very well have met a sticky end, but i prefer to think of her as a John Connor type, going on to further rebellions, now using Blake as the rallying cry. Maybe she’s behind some of the incidents Servalan mentions when discussing how Blake is becoming a figurehead?

      • Yeah I don’t have an issue with her age (Guy Gibson was 23 when leading the Dams raid) and the scripted lines are ok just delivered as if she is reading them for a rehearsal. I like to think that Blake always winning is a cunning plan by Travis as he stuck a homing beacon on the Liberator so just follows Blake as he contacts each rebel group and after the Liberator leaves he wipes them out. That’s why we never see them again.

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