The show that takes an in-depth look at the classic BBC Series “Blakes7” on character at a time! Following the "In Character" format from, "Blake7 In Character" features a single character each episode and explores their history, back story, and details in more depth you would ever need.
As a boy growing up in the 70’s I watched Blake’s 7 and Dr Who religiously every week and still watch B7 and classic who to this day. Thank you for this series on the B7 characters. It has been wonderfull.
As a boy growing up in the 70’s I watched Blake’s 7 and Dr Who religiously every week and still watch B7 and classic who to this day. Thank you for this series on the B7 characters. It has been wonderfull.
Blake could of milked the cows on Emmerdale Farm in between fighting the Federation.