Star Wars In Character – Gavyn Sykes – NEOZAZ

Episode 140 – “Gavyn Sykes”. in this episode we discuss the pilot from episode 1 of the Star Wars saga “The Phantom Menace” whom without, there’s be no Star Wars.

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Extended Show Notes (potential for spoilers):
Gavin Sykes, the Naboo pilot instrumental in the battle against the droid army invasion of Naboo.

Chris’s names attempt to pinpoint this obscure character from the Phantom Menace.

We start the show with Sykes early years and interaction smugglers and fringe elements of the like.

Tim tells the tale of Sykes pursuing an unknown assailant of Naboo and his heroic work preparing the fleet for defense.

Chris and Tim get in a small altercation over whether or not Chris purchased a particular Star Wars item.

The video game starting the one and only Gavin Sykes is discussed.

Tim reminds us of a brief interaction we had with actor that played Gavin Sykes on facebook recently.

We dissect his brief appearance scene by scene and quickly find out; without Gavin Sykes, there’d be no Star Wars.

Matt explains the difficulty doing the cover art work for this character.

Tim tells of an on-line encounter with Christian Simpson, the actor that played Gavin Sykes.

We question the legitimacy of IMDb.

Matt finds a bizarre 1 degree of separation of Gavin Sykes to “Clerks”.

Tim ends his presentation with his true feelings for Gavin Sykes.

And a rousing round of trivia creates a bench mark event in this round.

All this and much, much in this episode of the Star Wars In Character podcast!

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