Star Wars In Character – Toryn Farr – NEOZAZ

Episode 145 – “Toryn Farr”. In this episode we discuss the communications officer that effectively started the battle of hoth with a single line in The Empire Strikes Back, Episode V of the Star Wars Saga.

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Extended Show Notes (potential for spoilers):

The show starts off with some physical comedy by Chris.

Chris’ name drive the show completely of course early.

The character discussion opens identifying Toryn Farr in The Empire Strikes Back.

The story opens with his early ties to the Rebellion, followed by her escape from Imperial tyranny.

We’re introduced to Toyrn sister, a skilled rebel in her own right.

The story follows the sister through their work in the Rebel Alliance post the battle of Yavin.

The show veers of for a moment to pay tribute to Buddy Hackett.

Chris shares another unnecessary picture with Matt.

Toryn Farr’s single movie scene is recapped.

Her escape from Hoth and heroic actions during the evacuation are discussed.

Adrift in space, Toryn Farr’s quick thinking and loyalty to the Alliance doesn’t quit.

Toryn’s story leads into a run in with a couple of characters discussed previously on SWIC.

Captured, Toryn Farr again turns the tables to her benefit.

Matt’s fellow panelists question Matt’s ranking of Toryn Farr again his favorite obscure characters.

The story follows Toryn Farr to her new command.

Connections to tragedies are made through the curse of Pam Dawber.

Her story concludes at the battle of Endor much to Matt’s disappointment.

Her limited merchandise and actress mixup story is told.

This episode’s feedback segment addresses a long argued mistake made in a previous episode.

A conversation about the actress Stephanie English breaks out, an actress in The Empire Strikes Back but did not portray Toryn Farr.

A trivia takes another swing, and then another in the most unpredictable round we’ve ever played.

All this and much, much more on this episode of the Star Wars In Character podcast!

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