The GR80’s – 9 to 5

Welcome to the new season of the Gr80’s as we kick off our salute to the 1980’s! Each month we will discuss a couple of movies from each year of the 80’s, starting our year off with 1980’s 9 To 5! Join Khrysti, Aviva and Kelley as we discuss changing roosters to hens!

The GR80s

The GR80s - the great 80s movie debate podcast features a panelist of movie fanatics born and raised in the 80s. Each episode featured a beloved classic 80s movie. The film is re-watched and reviewed to see if it still holds up today in a lively, entertaining debate. Each episode wraps up with a top 5 list from each panelist on a subject pulled from the movie reviewed. The GR80s - if you're child of the 80s, a fan of classic films, or just a movie geek, you've come to the right place!

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The GR80s – Star Trek V The Final Frontier

The GR80s – The Nude Bomb

The GR80’s – The Princess Bride – NEOZAZ