In this episode, Dave (“Smitty”), Eric, and Dave Fox from Star Wars In Character and The GR80’s discuss the “Rocky” movies, including: Rocky (1976) Rocky II (1979) Rocky III (1982)...
In this episode Ian and Eric are entertained by Gunn-Sar, disturbed by the rest. Check out more from Eric on the world of movie and television special effects in the...
We wrap up this weeks set of minutes with a critical look at the panelist of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”, we set up for 2 important points…that we’ll make...
In this episode, Matt, Quint, Karen and Haunt Scene’s Johnny Bronto give their instant reaction to the Universal Orlando Halloween Horror Nights reveal to 2 scare zones for HHN28: “Revenge...
We talk about the increasingly impressive engineering of Otto the Autopilot and we give the proper spotlight to one the best visual moments of any movie ever. Follow “Airplane! Minute”...
In this episode of the The Best of Five – GR80s Edition, Khrysti, James, Dave and Chris list their top 5 favorite professional wrestlers in movies. The GR80s and all...
In this episode Eric welcomes Kelly Hogaboom to the show to discuss The Medusa from 1981’s “The Clash of the Titans”. This series is made possibly by the generosity of...
In this minute, we get an in-depth history about failed television series it changes some key jokes in the movie forever! Follow “Airplane! Minute” on Facebook, and twitter. Also check out NEOZAZ Facebook, twitter and Instagram....
Another day, another minute, and bad, baaaaad memories about “Tab” dominate the conversation – at least the bit I spot checked (—Matt). Follow “Airplane! Minute” on Facebook, and twitter. Also check out...
In this episode we discuss the infamous big game hunter / mercenary / six-manned set piece from Star Wars The Force Awaken, episode 7 in the Star Wars Saga. The...