Episode 137 – “The Bantha”. In this episode we discuss the four legged furry beast of the Dune Sea from Episode IV “A New Hope” and Episode VI “Return of the Jedi: Special Edition” of the Star Wars Saga.
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Extended Show Notes (potential for spoilers):
The episode starts off with Tim’s worst impression ever.
Chris’ names pull from the more obscure parts of the Bantha’s back story.
Origin of the Banthas quickly come into question.
Herd structures as discussed along with the mispronunciation of key words.
Tim entertains listeners with a command performance of if this best impressions.
Wide varieties of uses for the Banthas are reported.
Fast food habits of the Star Wars galaxy are explored.
The joy of Yacco’s Hot Dogs becomes a hot topic for the panelists.
The episode briefly turns into “Lee Iacocca In Character”.
Tim tells the panelists about the actor that portrayed the original Bantha the her costuming challenges.
Tim polls the panelists on their thoughts of the Bantha appearance in Return of the Jedi Special Edition.
Dave’s thoughts on seeing any Bantha’s in the new Star Wars movies is made clear.
Lack of vintage Bantha merchandise is lamented upon.
The great moister vs moistenure debate continues.
Feedback featured another wonderful set of emails for loyal listeners.
And this episodes trivia continues to surprise and excite.
All this and much, much more on this episode of the Star Wars In Character podcast!
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