Welcome to “Go For Launch”, the new series for NEOZAZ.com – or at least it could be. This is the first entry into the NEOZAZ “Pilot Program”, a program we’ve...
In this episode Eric welcomes Chris back to the show to discuss the T-Rex attack from “Jurassic Park”. This series is made possibly by the generosity of our Patreon supporters....
In this episode we discuss the green skinned holo-performer featured in the Star Wars Holiday Special. The Star Wars In Character podcast and all the work we do at NeoZAZ...
Episode 4 – “Maggie” In this issue we discuss “Maggie #1”, originally released October 24th, 2012. This comic features 8 stories: “Madison Avenue Maggie”, “Scent of a Baby”, “She’s a...
In this episode Lou asks and answers the question “Who Invented Glitter?” “I Have Questions” is made possible by the generosity of our Patreon supporters. If learn how you can ...
In this episode, Eric welcomes Mark McGee to the show to discuss the Cylcon opening attack from the orginal Battlestar Galactic TV Series. This series is made possibly by the...
Episode 67 – In this episode Chris and TIm review “Boss Baby”, “Power Rangers”, “Sandy Wexler”, and more! Pass the Popcorn and all the shows on NeoZAZ are made possible...
Better late than never, we wrap up our Star Wars Celebration weekend discussing the highs and low, inside and outside of the 2017 event. The Star Wars In Character podcast...