Each of our Gr80’s experts test their 80’s knowledge as they take part in our year-long timed trivia challenge! Who will reign supreme? Happy Happy Game Show by Kevin MacLeod...
Join Khrysti, John, Matt and James as we venture Under the Rainbow! Does it hold up? Is it in fact worse than the movie that Khrysti thought it was? Find...
Each of our Gr80’s experts test their 80’s knowledge as they take part in our year-long timed trivia challenge! Who will reign supreme? Episode 1: Aviva & Kelly!
Join Khrysti, Kevin and Ryan as they roll for initiative and see if they have the STR, DEX and CON to succeed after watching Dragonslayer. Does it hold up, or...
Would you believe that we are talking about the greatest movie of 1980? Would you believe we are talking about a movie that was filmed in 1980? David, James and...
It’s the end of 2020 (finally!) Who ya gonna call? The GR80’s! Join Khrysti, Dave, James and Dave (in our continuing series of co-hosts with the same name) as we...
Join Khrysti, James and James as they watch a Christmas Classic right before the big holiday- 1984’s A Christmas Carol, starring George C Scott. Does it hold up among the...
There are 3 rules to this episode: First of all, keep Summer out of the light, she hates bright light, especially sunlight, it’ll kill her. Second, don’t give James any...
Happy Holidays from the Gr80’s! Join Khrysti, John, Steve and Kelley as they discuss the Eddie Murphy/Dan Ackroyd/Jamie Lee Curtis Classic, Trading Places! Get in the holiday spirit and see...