Special Episode: Mighty Max In this special episode of Dial Up Movies, Lou continues the new series to the show, covering the more obscure toy lines and television shows from...
April 26, 2016 – Universal Studios Resort Orlando Halloween Horror Nights announced their second maze for their 26th annual event – The Exorcist! Matt, Quint, and Karen recorded their instant...
Tick Tuesday keeps rolling along as Tim, Derek and Steve are back once again for a commentary episode on “The Tick vs Brainchild” from The Tick Animated Series! Watch along...
Episode 176 In this episode we open so highlights from the Great Philadelphia Comic Con including the announcement of the winning design of Kevin Liell and Norse Legions exclusive Celebration...
In this special episode Khrysti and Matt sample and vote for their favorite of the 3 Peanut M&M flavors featured in M&M’s Try All and Vote campaign. The three flavors...
In this edition of “The Best of Fives” Lou and Tim from Dial Up Movies list their top 5 favorite 90’s cartoons. [powerpress] This series is made possibly by the...
It’s the Dark Side Challenge! This episode features the Walt Disney World Dark Side Challenge weekend the TIE Fighter 10k on Saturday and the Dark Side Half Marathon on Sunday....