In this episode, Eric and Ian focus on the devoted, but doomed, Kara Check out more from Eric on the world of movie and television special effects in the NEOZAZ...
In this episode Eric welcomes Chris to the show to discuss the hospital escape in “Terminator 2”. This series is made possibly by the generosity of our Patreon supporters. To...
Matt’s back from vacation and he joins Quint and Johnny to catch up on their reactions to the Halloween Horror Nights 28 news of the past week: “The Horrors of...
In this GR80s edition of The Best of Fives Khrysti, Kimberly, Chris and James list their top 5 favorite Movies set in cold places. The GR80s and all the work...
In this edition of Matt’s Crummy Comics Collection” Matt pulls the first issue of the 2nd iteration of “Atari Force” by DC Comics from 1984. Matt’s Crummy Comics Collection is...
Dave brings a special wrap up announcement on season one of Sequel Harder and talks a bit about what’s to come. Check out NEOZAZ Facebook, twitter and Instagram. “Sequel Harder”...
In this special episode, Ian and Eric wonder what the Earth is like in Blake’s time. Check out more from Eric on the world of movie and television special effects...
In this episode Eric welcomes Tim the show to discuss the ending from The Dark Knight Rises. This series is made possibly by the generosity of our Patreon supporters. To...
In this episode Khrysti, James, Kimberly, and Chris conclude their discussion of 1982’s John Carpenter’s “The Thing”. This is part 2 of 2 episode release. The GR80s and all the...
In this episode Eric talks with Cygnus Alpha 4.0 event organizer Ian Kubiak about the upcoming event! Check out more from Eric on the world of movie and television special...